Uncle and Auntie had last week off... we TRIED to head to the zoo with them, but everyone in STL had the same idea... so we went to City Garden instead. Here is Ben and Maggie on the bunny for their Easter photo. He tried his best to hold onto her tightly.
Also, while we were there we had a surprise visit from Bubba (her office is down the street). Ben was SO SURPRISED to see her, it was such a special treat.... wish I would've gotten a picture, but it was great.

We borrowed Wii Fit from Bubba and Grampy and have been having a lot of fun with it. Here's Ben's take on tree pose. He sees me do yoga all the time (and tries poses sometimes, but usually loses interest pretty quickly) so this is a little more his speed.
AND... no more Pull-Ups in our house!! Ben has been dry all night for several weeks so he went to bed in underwear last night without a problem. Ahhh, it will feel amazing not to buy Pull-Ups anymore. Yippie!!!!
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