Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Here it comes…

I know, I know - nothing's sacred - poor kid!

We've been talking with Ben about using the "big boy potty" for a long time but he never was interested, in fact he always said "no, no, no potty." UNTIL last night - he tried the potty with Daddy's help (there is a kid seat on top of the toilet). He even said "here it comes" before he went - so now we know he knows what's going on. 

Ben and I have spent a large chunk of the day in the bathroom - what fun! But I'm happy to report since last night he's gone pee in the potty three times. 

No "number two" so far - the kid is like clockwork so I knew when he would have to go - I placed him on the seat and we read books. I could tell he had to go (and badly) but he just wouldn't do it. Two seconds later we put a diaper on for nap, he ran to his room, shut the door and took care of business in private. Oh well, baby steps!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Day!

Ben thought the 4th of July was just one big birthday party - and I suppose it is - but he kept saying "Happy Day!" (which is how he says happy birthday). We went to the WG parade in the morning and he had a lollipop and popsicle before noon - so he knew he was in for some fun! He desperately wanted a flag at the parade and luckily someone was passing them out so he waved it like crazy all morning. 

We also walked up to the carnival by our house after nap and rode the toy train three times ($4 for a 2-1/2-minute ride - gulp!) - but he loved it and waved to Daddy every time we came around the bend.

Thankfully he slept well through three nights of fireworks - since we live so close to where they let them off the entire house shakes! We were considering letting him watch the fireworks if he was awake, but he doesn't even like the noise of a blender or vacuum cleaner, so we're pretty sure the fireworks wouldn't be a big hit.