Nora is obsessed with these peep toe wedge sandals! What a riot. These are (unworn) hand-me-downs from Mags and I have to hide them from Nora because she loves them so. She already walks/runs around like a drunken sailor and with a slight heel she's an accident waiting to happen.
On another subject, we're skipping the Fourth of July this year. Too hot ... way too hot. They've cancelled the fireworks around us because it's too dry and too hot. We didn't want to hit any parades because it's waaaaayyyy toooooo hoooooooooot. I'm looking at the thermometer right now and it "only" reads 104.9 degrees. The air has been running nonstop and the grass is a crunchy dry mess of hay. But don't worry, I got red, white and blue popsicles so that's enough for this year!
On the upside, it's almost our anniversary — lucky #13 — and Joe and I SWEAR that it's always cool on our anniversary. So, we're sticking with that!