Friday, March 30, 2012

Uncle's birthday & Eggs

 Grandad reads to his girls - they LOVE to read!
 Uncle dreaming up the PERFECT wish...
 We dyed our Easter eggs - the kids got into it this year
(too bad for me and Auntie - we love some egg dyin'!)
Two of Ben's favorite eggs - he was into multi-layering the colors and adding white crayon to the different layers. What a little artist!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ben is really into St. Patrick's Day and leprechauns ... he magically found a tiny bag of coins and a green rock while on a leprechaun hunt at the park with Bubba (unfortunately he never did catch a leprechaun). I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought Ben would get a kick out of having a leprechaun visit our house and leave little footprints on the toilet and green "pee." I did this the night before St. Pat's and he saw it first thing in the morning ... it was PERFECT for a 6-year-old boy. He was like "GROOOOSSSSS! A leprechaun went to the bathroom here." It was quickly followed by an "AWESOME, HE PEES GREEN!!!"

I have no idea what these two were looking at, but they sure looked cute!
Nora is quite the ham in front of the camera! She has 8 teeth, two molars on the bottom and two more coming up top. Some of her favorite words are Dada, Doggie, Hello (while pretending to talk on the phone), Night-Night, and All Done. She understands a lot and will follow simple directions - bring me your cup, can i have a hug, wave bye-bye, it's bath time (she LOVES this). She also loves going to pick up Ben from the school bus. She sees the bus coming down the street and she starts squealing and flapping her arm - it's pretty sweet she's excited to see her big brother! She also started walking April 1 ... more on that later!