I started making Ben's stocking in August of 2006. At the time, I thought it would be no problem to finish it by Christmas. . . well, thanks to the help of Aunt Amanda, it's finally done. At least I made the deadline this year!
Ben's favorite new toy is the step stool. We can't keep him off the thing. I guess he has extra energy to burn now that we can't go to the park as much with the cold weather.
My attempt to photograph Ben with the tree. I guess it wasn't in his plans for the day!
Joe and I put up the tree last night after Ben went to bed. He woke up this morning to find a lit tree and thought it was amazing. He looks at it and ooohs and aaaahs, points to things and has been (so far) very gentle.
Ben and I went to our playgroup this morning at his friend Dillon's house. . . well, Dillon has a working train under his tree, and Ben LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it. I guess we need to get a train too!
We went to Uncle Tim and Aunt Amanda's for the big Mizzou game last night. Well, the game was a bust, but Ben looked cute in his Mizzou gear (thanks to his Columbia cousins). Look at Ben consoling his Grandad when the Tigers were down. . . he must have known what was going on!