Dear Reader (Aunt Kristina),
Well, I hung up the phone, got Ben dressed in his finest threads and took some pics as you requested :)
Ben turned six months old this week. It is amazing how fast the time has gone. He is rolling all around his bedroom - to get to those out-of-reach toys, VERY CLOSE to crawling, sleeping through the night (7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.) and is very cute and entertaining in general! He also does this funny thing where he rolls his tongue all around his gums and lips as if he just discovered how to move it.
He had his first cold - thankfully it didn't seem to bother him very much. I will be a wreck the first time he is really sick. AND, we all know, he will never get the stomach flu!!
Well, Monday will be my first day as a stay-at-home-mom / freelance designer. GULP, hopefully this will go well - - -but, I'm extremely excited!