So, Ben loves his play with cell phones. It's hysterical - he holds one up to his ear constantly. He even angles his head so he can cradle the phone between his ear and shoulder. Maybe I'm on the phone too much?! He "blabs" away on the phone to no one in particular. Speaking of blabbing, he says a lot of words these days . . . up, night-night, dog, cat, heart, light, cup. "Up" is is a favorite right now - he says it all day long and now says "up" when he's done eating and wants to get out of his highchair.Also, he's still a BIG climber. He climbed on the little desk in our kitchen in about 2.3 seconds flat. I guess he gets a different perspective from higher up!

Aunt Amanda bought this pool for Ben the other day, so we decided to have some swimming fun in the backyard. I think the water was a bit cold, but it didn't stop the fun!!
Also, over the weekend, we went to the big Webster pool with cousins Charlie and AJ. It was a lot of fun. Ben was fearless sliding down the slide and trudging through the water. He took in a few good gulps of water but I guess that's a part of the experience!