Ben made this hat for his sissy. |
Proof that Grandad was there ... poor Bebe was not :( |
Grampy liked his Little Mermaid Crown. |
Our sweet girl is two! How is this possible? Our house has become a lot more "girlie" with lots of pink and princesses. One of our friends said the "Disney Switch" gets turned on in little girls at age two and it seems to be very true. Miss Nora is very thoughtful (saying "bless you" when you sneeze -OR- "are you okay, mamma?" if she hears a loud banging noise in the kitchen), she's usually sweet as pie (but knows how to turn on a POUT face and drags it out for a long time) ... She loves her baby doll and is a good mamma. We love our little gal and are so happy she's part of our family!