Despite an ear infection, we decided to take Ben to Innsbrook last weekend. He seemed to have fun while we were there. His favorite game was opening and closing the bi-fold doors to my parent's bedroom. It was literally ALL he wanted to do. We had a fun, fall visit!
Despite both Ben and I having colds we had a fun Halloween. We stayed home this year and "skunk" Ben had fun trick-or-treating! We went to three houses in our neighborhood and he was pretty impressed with the candy situation. When we got home he kept taking his candy out of his bag and putting it back in (saying "oooohh." and "mmmmmm" as if he really knows what candy is). He had his first sucker - and seemed to like it pretty well. He also thought it was cool when kids came to our door and definitely wanted to be part of the action. Thanks again to "Auntie Kristina" for her awesome handy work on his costume (we were going to do face makeup with whiskers and a nose, but he was SO congested we decided against it)!!