Today was Ben's 4-year well visit to his pediatrician. He's 38-1/2 pounds and 41-1/2 inches tall. I think we made quite the impression today - Ben's fingernails were filthy (from playing in the driveway before our appointment - of course I didn't notice until we got there), he had pink and blue ink stamps all over his arms / hands / legs / feet (a present in his Easter basket), his underwear were on backwards and he called his doctor a "silly sausage*." Thankfully our ped. has a great sense of humor and said Ben was in perfect health and a great, funny kid - phew!
*In Ben's defense we had been talking about the alphabet. His doctor's last name starts with an "S" so we were listing "S" words... strawberries, sausage, shoes, silly, sun, etc. But it was a little embarrassing not having the doctor know the whole story...