Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's been HOT - the 88 predicted for today sounds like an awesome reprieve - I can only imagine the weather in WI we'll have in a few weeks!!!! So, to beat the heat and get outside, we filled up the backyard pool and had some water fun.

Auntie bought Ben this pool when he was just a little guy - and I think it shrunk - or maybe Ben GREW. Next summer we'll get to pass it on to Miss Maggie, it will be just right for her! This year Ben loved the sprinkler (last year not at all) and he had a great time running from the sprinkler to the pool. So fun!!


  1. Not only is Ben getting bigger, but also even CUTER - I might add.

    We can't wait for you to experience some WI weather too!!!!!!!!

    See you soon, Kristina

  2. Auntie is glad Ben is still enjoying his pool. We'll have to maybe get him with some floaties over at Ken and Missy's pool...I forced myself to get in the other day, but it's probably just the right temperature for a kid!
