Ben was Tron for Halloween. Easiest costume ever - black long johns, medical tape, black gloves and plastic plates for his life-force disks. Cost in the store = $50. Our cost = $15. Thank-you-very-much!
Ben's parade at school. Super cute. They danced to MJ's Thriller - very entertaining!
Carved pumpkins.
Enjoyed fall days.
Celebrated our cousin Sean who is actively in the military for Veteran's Day.
Miss Miss turned 9 months and got her first tutu from Bubba.
She's 29-3/4" and 20 lbs. 14 oz. She's been sleeping through the night (8-7). Hip, hip hurray!!!
Celebrated Abbie's 3rd b-day with bounce houses. Fun!
Ben designed and built his very own stool (not for standing on) but for drawing or placing objects.
He LOVES Grandad's workshop!
Had a crazy-huge tree removed from our front yard.
Bedtime piano concerts.