Friday, July 9, 2010

Noodle Jar-

Our friend Melanie started a "noodle jar" with her son Connor... so we decided to get in on the action. If Ben has good behavior, is a good listener or is kind to a friend he gets a scoop of noodles in his jar. If he doesn't listen (a big one these days), is rude or mean, a scoop is taken away. After about a month of trying today was the day he filled his noodle jar. SO as his special reward we headed to Toys-R-Us where he got to pick out a small toy. It was very exciting and he took his job very seriously... he's already planning his reward for the next time his jar is full. I must say Melanie nailed this one... Ben has had far fewer time outs since we started the noodle jar and he usually makes good choices once we give him a warning that we'll take a scoop of noodles away. Thanks Miss Melody!


  1. My noodle jar is empty at the moment. :-( Lisa said that if I'm good today I might get a scoop!

    Congrats, Ben!

  2. Forgot to tell you that Ben needed a scoop of noodles for his sharing at Einstein's on Saturday...he said Maggie could play with Sonic's car and he would play with Sonic because "Sonic was too small and she could get it in her mouth". So sweet and caring!

  3. congrats to Ben! What a cute idea, I like the tape line on the jar - visual measurement for a kid, very fun!

  4. actually this is aunt melissa at lydia's house..i LOVE the noodle jar idea! i've always been interested in finding something that would reward the good and also decrease the undesirables...i'm thinking about starting a noodle jar with my school friends! THANK you, melanie! {~/~}
