Saturday, December 10, 2011

Breakfast With Santa

 We had breakfast with Santa with Bebe, Auntie and Mags. Ben had a blast working on all the crafts and  chowing down on THE BEST panckaes (Ben caught one on his plate this year!). So good!
When we got home Ben was feeling festive... so we put up our tree and I made Ben wear the tree skirt...

Friday, December 9, 2011

School Photo-

We actually paid money for this photo. My dear sweet boy takes after his mamma with school photos -- remember a certain KCAI id? *** Insert KAK laugh track here.*** We did participate in retake day and got a MUCH better pic, but I had to scan this one so the memory could live on forever.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 Months-

She's getting so big! Pulling herself up to stand, eating solid food, signing "more," waving bye and we really think she says DADA and CAT. I'm sure Ben will be next -- then Lisa, Jason and Kaldi's -- and THEN MAMA. Hmph, not that I'm bitter - she's just saving the best for last :)