Saturday, August 31, 2013


Hello #36, how's it going? Here's the youngest member of my fan club sporting her awesome shirt ... I like to brainwash all of my nieces/nephews from a very young age. Bwaaa Haaa Haaa! This birthday photo cracks me up:

  1. Molly's head was no where near the roaring candles on my b-day cake. No babies were harmed at my princess birthday party. 
  2. My mother-in-law is not actually cooking in the microwave. She's looking over my shoulder and judging my every move. JUST KIDDING. I'm lucky that I actually LIKE my mother-in-law, but there are so many great captions that could go along with this ...
  3. Do you like my necklace? My sweet Ben made it for me for my birthday – what a guy!