Friday, February 18, 2011

Daddy's Birthday-

We convinced our dear (and nervous) friend Lisa to hold baby Nora at Joe's birthday celebration. It's the beginning of a long friendship for those two.

Happy birthday, daddy! So much PINK to get used to!!

Daddy's Birthday-

Bubba planned a special surprise party for Joe - it was a lot of fun and I was so thankful to her since I'm not functioning well enough to come up with a plan. The four of us (Joe, Ben, Nora and I) arrived for a "quiet dinner" and people just kept showing up... Joe was definitely surprised, good one, Bubba! Darth Vader was even there and Bebe couldn't keep her hands off of him - don't ask!

Happy 35th birthday, Joe - I love you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Bath-

Baby Nora's first sponge bath. After I gave Nora a bath Ben insisted I give him one as well... we went with it ONE time... whatever...