Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Story Time-

Most nights Ben "reads" a story to Nora before bed. Usually it's a short book he has memorized or something he makes up by looking at the pictures... tonight it was the Toys R Us catalog. Lots of items wish listed in there, let me tell you! Tons of Legos, but big brother even selected some things for Nora. So sweet!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


So this is our new blog! I know the dedicated followers of our blogs (AKA grandparents and four of our friends) are wondering about the new name - it's a nod to Joni Mitchell's song "Sweet Bird" on The Hissing of Summer Lawns album. I've loved Joni (yes, we're friends) since I was about 14 and have almost all of her albums. So my kids have heard these songs and might even remember me singing "Sweet Bird" when they grow up. We'll see...