Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An Unexpected, Super-Fun Day-

I went to bed early last night feeling totally blah - sore throat, runny nose - bummed to be coming down with a cold. I knew it was going to snow and I was dreading today. I knew I wasn't going to be feeling well and that Ben would most likely be staying home with me. I have lots of work to do (and less time to get it done with him home) and we have NO FOOD in the house...

Well, I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better - all "chesty" - but no more sore throat, the worst part if you ask me. AND we've actually had a great day! 

We played for a long time in the snow. Ben finally got to wear his boots and Joe's snow pants from when he was a kid (really cute)! We were able to use Ben's new sled from Christmas and he had a blast. AND we somehow had all the right ingredients for our favorite cheesy-broccoli soup to warm up from the cold.

Also, when we came in from outside I had a message on my machine from one of my clients... she's offering to pay my registration fee for a conference she knew I wanted to go to! Just as a "thank you" for the work I've done... wow!

So, today I'm thankful for the snow day, great clients and an unexpected fun day with Ben. 

Now I better get to work!