Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Fun!

Christmas was fun and exhausting this year! We've been on-the-go for the past four days (and now Ben has yet another ear infection, poor guy). We're lucky to have lots of family and friends nearby to spend time with. A few of Ben's new toys this year include: Thomas trains and track, basketball hoop, Little People toy garage, toy clock, cash register, Mega Blocks, cars. . . the list goes on, believe me! He opened a few presents this year, but mostly was interested in removing bows from every package. He's LOVING his new stuff!

Monday, December 24, 2007

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. . .

We spent Christmas Eve with Bubba, Grampy, Great Aunt Kim, Great Uncle Tim and cousins Sean and Brett. While there we put Ben to bed at his normal bed time. Well, when Joe and I went to get Ben to go home we found him this way. Yes, we promise he had P.J.s AND a diaper on when we put him to bed.

The past few mornings we've found him with only a diaper on in his crib, but he really took things to a new level tonight. Merry Christmas little guy, sweet dreams!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Tent

Ben got this great tent with a tunnel from his babysitter, Sarah, for Christmas. He seems to LOVE it!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Mad Hatter

Ben normally won't keep a hat on his head - and it's a bummer, because we have some cute ones - but he loved Aunt Amanda's hat this weekend. He wore it everywhere and thought he was pretty cool.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Too Funny. . .

According to this extremely advanced and accurate online software Ben equally looks like his mom and dad. Hmm. . . Considering that when we go to restaurants, servers comment on how much Ben looks like Joe, I'm skeptical.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mom Craft, Climbing and More!

I started making Ben's stocking in August of 2006. At the time, I thought it would be no problem to finish it by Christmas. . . well, thanks to the help of Aunt Amanda, it's finally done. At least I made the deadline this year!

Ben's favorite new toy is the step stool. We can't keep him off the thing. I guess he has extra energy to burn now that we can't go to the park as much with the cold weather.

My attempt to photograph Ben with the tree. I guess it wasn't in his plans for the day!

Joe and I put up the tree last night after Ben went to bed. He woke up this morning to find a lit tree and thought it was amazing. He looks at it and ooohs and aaaahs, points to things and has been (so far) very gentle.

Ben and I went to our playgroup this morning at his friend Dillon's house. . . well, Dillon has a working train under his tree, and Ben LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it. I guess we need to get a train too!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Big Game

We went to Uncle Tim and Aunt Amanda's for the big Mizzou game last night. Well, the game was a bust, but Ben looked cute in his Mizzou gear (thanks to his Columbia cousins). Look at Ben consoling his Grandad when the Tigers were down. . . he must have known what was going on!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Table Manners

Ben always puts his feet up on the table - ALWAYS! If he's in his highchair he rests both feet on the tip of the table and when he's in his booster at least one foot always ends up on the table. I thought it was about time we documented it. Perhaps one day he will learn some proper manners. . . then again, who knows!? I'm sure Joe would still do it if he could :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The other day I was on a phone call with a client and Ben was having a fit. I picked him up and he saw a bowl of apples on the counter - he wanted one so I let him take one hoping he would quiet down. . . Next thing I know he's eaten about half of the apple. Ever since he's been hooked. He takes bites straight from the apple just like a big boy. So much for dicing up every little bite he takes!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Currant Cookies

Ben eating his first currant cookie.

Cousin Charlie was in charge of the cookie sheets.

Ben and Daddy cut a few cookies.
It's safe to say they've both eaten more than they made!

Some cookie bakers in their matching aprons.

Charlie got to spend the night at our house like the old days, so that was fun!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Despite an ear infection, we decided to take Ben to Innsbrook last weekend. He seemed to have fun while we were there. His favorite game was opening and closing the bi-fold doors to my parent's bedroom. It was literally ALL he wanted to do. We had a fun, fall visit!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Despite both Ben and I having colds we had a fun Halloween. We stayed home this year and "skunk" Ben had fun trick-or-treating! We went to three houses in our neighborhood and he was pretty impressed with the candy situation. When we got home he kept taking his candy out of his bag and putting it back in (saying "oooohh." and "mmmmmm" as if he really knows what candy is). He had his first sucker - and seemed to like it pretty well. He also thought it was cool when kids came to our door and definitely wanted to be part of the action. Thanks again to "Auntie Kristina" for her awesome handy work on his costume (we were going to do face makeup with whiskers and a nose, but he was SO congested we decided against it)!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Spooky Halloween Party

Cousin Charlie "hosted" a very fun Halloween Party at Bubba and Grampy's house. He made creepy appetizers, spooky punch and somehow he found some brains and eyeballs we all had to feel! EEEEWWWWW! We had quite a night! The cousins had a blast (Ninja Charlie, school bus AJ and skunk Ben).

Friday, October 12, 2007

Meet Arlo-

I recently got to take a trip all by myself :) I went to Minnesota and left the boys at home. I went to visit my great friend and college roomie Kristina - her new baby Arlo and husband Darrell. I had the best, most relaxing time. You forget what it's like to be around a LITTLE baby after a while - you don't have to leave the bathroom door shut, you don't have to worry about leaving a cup on the coffee table, he doesn't play with the outlets or climb on the dining room table. (Hee he, just wait Kristina and Darrell!). He was such a sweet guy with a happy disposition. He was learning to roll while I was in town, so it was fun to see. Thanks again for a great trip!

Joe and Ben had a great time together. They bonded and did "guy stuff" - went to the park, Guitar Center, Borders, etc. When I got home the house was even clean - - - very impressive!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Ben loves to draw. He also loves biting the tips off crayons (and that drives us nuts) so he mostly uses pencils and pens. He takes his drawings very seriously and we hang the finished pieces very low on the refrigerator door so he can see his work. He walks by his drawing and points and claps, so he must be fairly good.

Friday, September 28, 2007

New Booster Seat

(Looking out the window at the dog next door -
He usually waves and says "hiya" to Jessie the dog.)

Ben loves his new booster seat. He doesn't eat every meal here yet, but has snacks and today he ate breakfast at the table. He climbs up by himself and clicks the straps in place (luckily he doesn't know how to "unclick" the straps). Ben also learned how to use a cup with a straw - what a big boy!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Magic House

(I think Ben looks SO much like Joe in this pic)

We had a fun night running (literally) around the Magic House. There was so much for Ben to play with, he had a great time. He loved "driving" this truck, playing with the kitchen and going down the baby slide. Our last trip to the Magic House he wasn't really walking, so it was a lot different this time. Three adults could ALMOST (but not quite) keep up with him!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Jazz Festival

We had a very busy evening at the Webster Jazz Festival. Ben loved to dance with Bubba and said "hiya" and waved to all the other kids. He was running extremely FAST…it was impossible to keep up with him!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Get your Motors Running

Ben started playing on a riding toy. We've been trying to get him to use it for months…but he didn't like it until recently. He doesn't like to be PLACED on anything - he wants to do it by himself - and he couldn't kick his leg over the "bike" until a few weeks ago. So now it's pretty funny to see him riding around making his car noises.

Next challenge is the swing at the park. I know he'll like it if he ever lets us put him on the swing!!

Monday, September 3, 2007


Ben LOVES to play hide-and-seek these days. These pics are from Uncle Tim & Aunt Amanda's house. They keep toys for him in this cabinet - well, he quickly emptied it out to get inside. He had a blast going inside, shutting to doors completely and popping out. It was pretty funny!

He also does this at home in his bedroom closet and under his crib. His playing is definitely more interactive these days.

Monday, August 20, 2007

18 months of fun!

Ben had is 18-month check up on Friday. He is 27 pounds, 4 ounces and 34" tall (2 inches taller than the average 18-month old).

He's also been babbling a lot and the doctor said he should say between 10 and
15 words. So, I was trying to think of what he says these days: Dada, Mama, Up,
Cup, Cat, Dog, Banana (nana), That, Yep (counts as "yes", right?!),
Heart, Knock Knock, Clock, Light and Night Night. Not too shabby!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Do you want fries with that?

McDonald's is one of my least favorite places on earth (I won't bore you with that right now…) BUT Ben loved playing with this kitchen so much that Sarah (his babysitter) called me to say how cute it was and how much fun he was having. Apparently he was flipping burgers and working the drive through like a real pro.

He also had fun playing with this tent. We're so lucky to have such a great sitter who shares this fun stuff with us.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

A.J.'s 2nd Birthday

Cousin A.J. in his conductor hat

Cousin A.J. & Aunt Holly

- - -

Before Ben went to bed I had this GREAT idea to get a photo of the three cousins. Well, you can see how well that worked. . .

First I tried. . .

Then Bubba tried. . .

Oh well, forget it! We had a lot of fun as you can tell by the toys scattered on the floor! Getting together these days is a lot different than it used to be. . . no more game nights, now it's sheer chaos, but we wouldn't have it any other way :)