Thursday, April 22, 2010

What we've been up to-

Our dear cousins Charlie (10) and Maggie (1) share the same birthday. So we had two weekends of parties. Let's just say that Charlie ate his cake much more civilized than Mags... but they both had a ton of fun.

Strep Throat...
Ben also got his first case of strep throat. Poor guy was really sick. But, we found a cure - frozen bananas dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.


Ben has been drawing and writing these cool little zines. Oh how I love them! He says they are Lego Star Wars and he reads the stories to us.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have been having fun... even in the not-so-fun times (at least Ben did not have the stomach flu...) It's good to see what you have been up to, because we wonder and think about you guys all the time!
